Event Dates:

Vegreville Medieval Faire & Artisan Market

Dates: July 12-14, 2024
Contest Date: July 13 at 1:00 pm
Entry closure: Online entry is now closed.  You can still enter at the Faire if we have any spots left.  Just ask for direction at the gate.  Thank you!

Strathmore Medieval Faire & Artisan Market

Dates: August 23-25, 2024
Contest Date: August 24 at 1:00 pm
Entry closure: August 22, 2024

Click here to gaze upon the prizes.

Costume Contest Application
Please check which ever box applies to your age group and category. Thanx!
Which Event do you wish to enter?

Maximum file size: 268.44MB

Please read the following Conditions of Application before you submit this form at the bottom of this page.


  • All contestants must adhere to the costume and prop policy.
  • No live animals will be allowed on stage; exceptions will be made for service animals of contestants.
  • No electrical power connections will be provided. If your costume requires power, it must be part of your costume design.
  • Costumes that require assistance will not be permitted entry. Any attendee who requires accessibility support are asked to email by August 15, 2021 to have their medical companion assist them on stage.
  • All costumes MUST be at least 50% handmade OR altered. (NOTE: It is at the discretion of the judges to decide if costumes are at least 50% handmade or altered). 
  • Entrants in the costume contest CANNOT enter with the same costume that has won a major award at other costume contests. Entrants interested in entering with a costume for which they previously won an award may only enter in the Walk-On portion of the contest.
  • The masquerade director reserves the right to exclude any costume from the show that he/she deems inappropriate or for any reason the masquerade director determines to be sufficient.
  • Capacity for the contest qualifier is 60 entrants - 20 entrants per age group.
  • All entrants must PRE-REGISTER online prior to the contest.
  • A King and Queen duo shall be chosen to represent The Calgary Medieval Faire & Artisans Market in 2022.

Contestants will be judged on a point scale based of the following 3 criteria:

1.  Craftsmanship - How the entrant made their costume, use of materials and creativity

2.  Likeness/Detail – How close the contestant resembles the character they are cosplaying/detail on costume

3.  Presentation – How the entrant presents their costume to the judges in pre-judging and how the entrant showcases their costume on stage during the contest.

Contestants will be given a certain timeslot for pre-judging on Saturday. The time and location of the pre-judging will be sent to you by email prior to the show. Be sure to arrive early to check-in as some contestants may finish quicker than others. 

Each contestant will be given a maximum of THREE MINUTES with the judges. At this time, you will be judged on your craftsmanship and likeness.

All entrants MUST be in costume during pre-judging.

Final points for judging will be awarded for stage presentation to the audience. Presentation is based on portrayal of the character on stage.

All weapons must be peace bonded. They must be zap strapped to your costume to insure they are not used. No wielding of weapons is allowed. This is to prevent harm and avoid issues. No one is allowed to yield a real blade for safety reason.

Contestants are asked to arrive at the designated area ONE HOUR before the contest begins. Failure to arrive on time can result in disqualification from the contest. Only contestants will be allowed into the area at this time. At this time, the organizer will introduce the emcee and judges, and give general instructions.

Contestants will be introduced on stage by the emcee, who will announce their name, character and where the character is from. Contestants will have a maximum of ONE MINUTE on stage. Duos will be allowed more time. Once the last contestant has left the stage, the judges will deliberate and the walk-on portion of the contest will begin.


I have read and agree to the costume contest rules & regulations stated above. *