Partnered with Travel Alberta
Join Us for the 2nd Annual Vegreville, AB
Medieval Faire & Artisan Market
For its second glorious year, the Vegreville Medieval Faire & Artisan Market doth
exist to transport thee to a time of majesty and magic.
Don thy robes, gowns, armor, or humble burlap, and immerse thyself in the wonders of
Medieval Merriment! Huzzah!
Event Dates: July 11-13, 2025
Location: Vegreville Stampede Grounds
You missed out!

Prepare thyself for The Vegreville Medieval Faire & Artisan Market!
There was a time when Vegreville was without… but no longer!
Walk alongside brave knights, rub shoulders with mighty Vikings, and wander through the enchanting Medieval Market. Be amazed and entertained at every turn!
Prepare for a weekend of epic excitement and treasures from across the realm, including: Talented Vendors & Interactive Displays
Magic, Music & Enthralling Tales
Performances Both Weird & Wonderful
Authentic Costumes & Medieval Decor
Huzzah! A grand adventure awaits thee!
Thy quest for revelry? Seek no further!
Cast aside thy khakis and business-casual garb.
Don thy robes, gowns, armor, or burlap,
And lose thyself in the wonders of Medieval Merriment!
Vikings and Knights, Storytellers, Minstrels, and Enchanters!
Forsooth, there be merriment aplenty for all ages at the Vegreville Medieval Faire and Artisan Market. See and hear sights and sounds that shall delight and thrill the senses.
Come for a day or stay for the whole weekend—verily, the longer thou dost roam, the more treasures thou shalt uncover!
- Live Jousting
- Armored Combat Reenactment
- Viking Village
- Magic that shall take thy breath away
- Tales of valor spun by a comely bard
- Pillory photo opportunities and other jests
- 'Combat the Knight', pool noodle jousting for thy kin.
Art thou interested in partaking in the entertainment of the Faire? Click the link below and apply forthwith!

Prithee, stroll through the Artisan Market and marvel at the wondrous sights.
Artisans, craftmasters, and merchants doth gather here to display their cunning and craft.
Uncover thy next treasure, parley with a master craftsperson, and bedeck thyself and thy hall with finery most regal.
- Jewels, gemstones, and potent charms
- Smiths of iron, blades, and armour
- Works of wood and leather
- Playthings, trifles, and curios
Art thou a skilled craftsperson of great renown?
Dost thou desire to offer thy wares at the
Vegreville Medieval Faire & Artisan Market?
Apply Now, for space is scarce…
Hearken, one and all! Join us and take thy place in the grand Medieval Faire & Artisan Market Costume Contest!
Dust off thy coif, polish thy targe, and bedeck thy unicorn horn with glimmering splendor…
Reveal thy love for medieval garb and flair, and vie for glorious prizes!
Shalt thou stand before our judges as a mystical woodland fey? A noble lady or lord? A mighty sorcerer or valiant warrior? Step into the enchantment of medieval revelry and join the contest!
With categories for children, youths, and grown folk alike, thy whole household may partake in the merriment.

To the Feast!
Lo, a splendid and most enchanting banquet awaits thy presence! A wondrous blend of delectable fare and beguiling entertainment from the Royal Court promises a truly extraordinary revel.
Whilst thou dost partake of the bounteous feast, the talented denizens of the Royal Court shall captivate thee with their artistry. Melodious singers and graceful dancers shall transport thee to realms of enchantment, filling the air with mirth and delight. The Royal Storyteller shall spin wondrous tales of daring adventure, tender love, and magical marvels, ensnaring the imaginations of all. Meanwhile, the Court Magician shall conjure feats most astonishing, leaving all in awe and wonder.
Thy Growing List of Entertainment…

Ryan Stinn
From the Northern Realm doth come Ryan Stinn! Prepare thyself for a merry spectacle of juggling, baton, twirling and hoop antics!

The Vikings Vinland
The Vikings - Vinland Society is an organization focused on developing and presenting the reconstructed lifestyle and culture of the Vikings.

Lothar Malmberg
Considered to be one of Alberta's finest family entainers and magical teachers, we are delighted to host Lothar at the Vegreville Faire.

Angus & Dolina
Do you like singing songs, dancing dances, hearing stories, and learning Scottish Gaelic? If so, Angus and Dolina are the act for you!

Society of Tilt & Lance Calvary
In recent years the equestrian sport of Jousting has enjoyed quite a revival. We are very happy to be presenting STALC at the Vegreville Faire.

The Red Stags
The Red Stags are very excited to be attending the Vegreville Medieval Faire & Artisan Market. Join us for a round of Fight the Knight! Great fun for all ages.

Strathcona Warhorse
The Strathcona War Horse is a dedicated group of authentic medieval heavy armored combat fighters, bringing historical battles to life with unmatched skill and passion.


Vegreville, AB
Faire Dates: July 12-14, 2024
Fri, July 12 - 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Sat, July 13 … 10 am – 6 pm
Sun, July 14 – 10 am - 6 pm
AGE 13 - 64
Gate Price
Online Price
AGE 65+
Gate Price
Online Price
AGE 7 - 12
Gate Price
Online Price
AGE 1 - 7
Gate Price
Online Price
Hark! Hear the Praise of Noble and Peasant alike…

What a great day! Swords and axes clashing, wee ones with amazing face paint, enthusiastic story sharing, artist of many varieties and amazing skill in leather and metal working and happy faces throughout the area and can't forget the caretakers of spirit, crystals, gems, stones and plants.. thank you... see you next year!

What an awesome event! Tons of activities for kids and families, live battles, great storytelling, and amazing vendors.
His favourite was getting to battle (and beat!) knights himself!

What an incredible day! My son and I had SO MUCH FUN! From bubble blowing for what felt like hours, to geode squashing, watching real live knights fight it out, and getting a new favourite play sword, we both had a great time, and there was lots of interesting things for me to look at, shop and browse.
His favourite was getting to battle (and beat!) knights himself.
I really enjoyed seeing other adults in costume, there were some elves and wizards too!

Great vendors, great atmosphere and amazing energy!!
Join the Fun!
Come ye mighty and meek!
Raise thine sword, wand, mug, and pitchfork…
For the realm! For the feast! For the fun!
Join us at the
Medieval Faires & Artisan Markets!